Why Choose An Integrative Approach?

The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.
— Thomas A. Edison

On average, our staff spend between thirty minutes and an hour per patient visit in order to correct our patients' muscle issues, joint issues, bone misalignment issues, nerve issues, allergy issues...and for that reason Aspire sees results that last where other clinics fail. Because our doctors often use multiple treatment modalities during each patient visit, we make sure the office visit is affordable and affective. This way we can correct all of the causes of our patient's symptoms and keep it very affordable.  

Our Goal

At Aspire Health and Wellness our affordable integrative approach is one of the key differences that set us apart from many health care clinics. Our goal is instead of simply covering up symptoms with medications, we aim to correctly diagnose and correct the causes of our patients' symptoms without drugs or surgery. Through our detailed exams we will determine what treatments may be necessary and we will outline a treatment plan that will fit your specific schedule and financial ability. 

Combining Therapies

Our integrative approach involves: physical therapy techniques which allows us to treat muscular problems, advanced low force chiropractic techniques allowing us to treat bone misalignment problems, and even treatments like Ozone and PRP injections to help facilitate the healing process instead of simply masking symptoms like a Cortisone injection. We also specialize in treating and correcting allergies using the NAET allergy elimination technique which works for infants, children, and adults. For patients that require even more options we have specific tests and therapies for issues such as: fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, gastrointestinal issues, lupus, extremity pain, joint pain, nerve pain...and many other ailments, all without drugs or surgery. 

The Benefit Of Our Treatment Process

For the benefit of our patients:

So what does this mean for our patients? When you receive chiropractic care at most general chiropractic clinics, they treat your bone misalignment issues. This is important, but because the inflammation and underlying muscle issues go untreated the muscles simply tighten up again and pull the joints out of place again. Our goal is to treat the bone misalignment issues as well as the inflammation and muscles imbalances pulling the bones out of place. We can train these muscles to hold the bones in place and strengthen them to stabilize the joints. This treatment decreases the need of constant chiropractic care. The goal is to get our patients to a point where they do not need constant care and they can function and be active without having to worry about joints being pulled out of place. 

Lasting treatment for the whole family

Combining these treatments together allows us to treat all of the causes of our patients' symptoms for lasting longterm results. Because of our broad treatment options we can treat infants from a few weeks old to our beloved elderly wanting to stay independent and pain free.