Medical-Grade Ozone Injections

"Healing the most stubborn pain"

(See Testimonials Below)


Ozone injections safely eliminate the causes of pain and gives a 75% chance for the chronic pain sufferer to become permanently pain free! When used in conjunction with PRP injections that percentage goes up significantly !

What Is Ozone? The oxygen you breathe is present in the air as a pair of oxygen atoms. This is the most stable form of oxygen. Ozone, unlike regular oxygen, is composed of three oxygen atoms instead of two. It is the addition of the third oxygen atom that makes ozone “supercharged” oxygen, and gives it all of its remarkable medical properties. Ozone is found naturally in the body. The white blood cells make it as part of the immune response. Pure medical grade ozone, when it is used according to the established medical guidelines, has a safety record that is unparalleled. The use of ozone to treat various medical conditions was first developed in Germany in the early 1950's with hundreds of studies proving its effectiveness and safety. Today, medical ozone therapy is common throughout Europe, and its use has gradually been spreading in America over the last 25 years.

What is it used for? Medical-grade Ozone is injected using a technique developed and pioneered by Dr. Frank Shallenberger, M.D.. It is excellent for all forms of musculoskeletal and joint pain including chronic neck and back pain, rotator cuff injuries, degenerative and arthritic hips and knees, degenerated discs, and shoulder and elbow pain. Because in many cases Medical Ozone actually corrects the pathology of the disorder, there is a 75% chance for the chronic pain sufferer to becoming permanently pain free.

How does it work? Medical-grade Ozone is a permanent treatment for chronic pain. The treatment is a connective tissue injection therapy of ozone gas which can aid in the reconstruction of damaged or weakened connective tissue in and around joints. The Medical-grade Ozone is injected into the damaged connective tissue around a joint to rebuild the damaged areas. Because ozone is a gas, we do not have to inject it directly into the joint for it to be effective. It defuses in and around the joint and is attracted to inflammation, causing it to be drawn to the areas of injury or damage. 

When someone suffers from chronic pain, the pain has been affecting the area for so long it becomes the "new normal". This means the healing process has stopped. When Medical-grade Ozone is injected it starts a series of reactions that allow the body to restart the healing process. This does not mean that ozone injections are only for injuries. Almost any type of muscle or joint pain will respond in much the same way. 

By repairing the connective tissue, this is all that is needed to permanently reverse most causes of chronic pain.
The use of ozone causes the joint and muscle to heal much more quickly because ozone is a highly reactive molecule and when injected in a muscle or around a joint it is able to stimulate the fibroblastic repairing abilities.

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Why does it work? We can think of our joints as the hinge on a door. Until the hinge is fixed the door just isn’t going to open or close right and it’s the same exact story with our joints. If we are athletic or if we are just getting older there is some gradual and natural degeneration of the moving parts of the body due to ongoing recurrent mechanical stress, and failure of tissues to repair. This can come from lack of nutrients, lack of circulation, aging and inflammation. When this happens the ligaments, tendons, and cartilage become dehydrated and weaker. This results in laxity and more abnormal mechanical stress and shearing forces on the joint. Abnormal shearing forces and torsion cause more joint dysfunction. This leads to a progressive separation of the ligaments from the superficial covering on the bone called the periosteum. This pulling on the periosteum creates a space, which the body fills in with new bone. These new parts of bone are called osteophytes. They are the premier signs of degenerative arthritis in & around the joint. Osteophytes and joint laxity result in a reduced range of motion, which causes strain on surrounding muscles which then become either over or under worked leading to more dysfunction & pain.

Ozone injections cause repair and tightening of the lax structures, partially torn connective tissue, cartilage, muscles, and ligaments. Ozone halts the pain/inflammation cycle. This allows for better circulation, increased blood flow carrying nutrition, and hydration of the damaged tissues. This allows for a healing environment within the joint/muscle to develop and results in increased range of motion and decreased pain.

To take the healing process to the next level, we oftentimes combine our Ozone treatments with our PRP injections. The results are simply unmatched. To learn more see our PRP Injections page.

To become pain free and start enjoying life, call us at:



Ozone Testimonials:


I had been suffering with severe shoulder pain since January. Had done physical therapy which helped take the edge off during the day but it would keep me up in pain all night. No type of pain medication would work. After my first visit and my first set of Ozone injections my shoulder was pretty much pain free. And after the second set I can honestly say it’s like my shoulder is back to normal. I can’t wait to go back to get my back done! Dr. Bell is very personable and does not give you the run around as I have found with many Dr.’s.
— Brittany Anderson
DrAaron Bell is currently working on my L4 L5 S1. I need a double fusion in order to fix my problem. Over two years I have been on every pain medication you can think of. I have had spinal epidurals, cortisone shots etc. physical therapy and aqua therapy. None of those has worked as quickly and effectively as these injections. I used to take 200mg of lyrica a day for my nerve pain and I don’t take it at all anymore.

It hurts like hell when the injections go in when you have a messed up back, but after a bit the pain goes away and then you almost look forward to that pain each time you go in because you know it helps.

I am now currently still doing my lower back and have started to get my hamstrings injected as well. Crazy results after one time.

Being off narcotic pain meds and nerve pain medication has been a miracle. First time in 2 years where all I take is Tylenol and ibuprofen and can manage my days just fine.

His price his very very reasonable considering my spinal epidurals that worked for one week would cost about 2500 dollars and this seems to actually fix the issue vs coat it for a short time. I look forward to getting this done now. Each time you go the initial pain of the ozone is less and less to the point my back injections don’t hurt all that much at all anymore. But I promise you this is a pain you will appreciate once you feel and live with the results of actual help.
— Steve Judd
My trainer recommended Dr. Bell for my lower back issues. I have been in and out of treatment for years with other professionals. After 3 months of therapy with Dr. Bell I am free of pain and have never felt better! The combination of his treatment , acupuncture, and ozone therapy have worked miracles!!
— Dave Jones
I was skeptical about the ozone treatment. Dr. Bell has always been a good chiropractor, and didn’t really get into the quacky stuff, so I tried it anyway. I am still amazed. I’ve had limited mobility in both shoulders since a waterskiing injury for several years, and the ozone treatment improved it! It no longer feels like my arm catches on an obstacle when I raise it above my head. My range of motion has increased, and I am able to stretch more, all because of a little ozone gas. Thanks, Dr. Bell!
— Jon Tycksen
I have chronic knee pain from several knee injuries over 20 years ago. The injuries have resulted in a bone-on-bone right knee joint and arthritis pain. The pain has getting significantly worse over the past six months and I’ve tried just about everything to be able to continue an active lifestyle. I was skeptical of O3 injections, but after reading quite a bit online, decided to give it a shot. Within three days after the injection, I noticed a significant reduction in pain - the reduced pain continued since the first injection. I have a Spartan race in three weeks and did a second shot to sure-up my knee leading up to the race.

Dr. Bell is great and all I know is that before the O3 injections, I was hobbling around in pain and although I’m not going to win a lot of foot races, I can continue an active lifestyle with significantly reduced pain. I would recommend Dr. Bell and the O3 injections to anyone in a similar circumstance with reservation.
— Taylor Smith
My experience with Aspire Health and Dr Bell has been awesome. Dr Bell is amazing. I have received two Ozone injections - one in each knee. The results have been nothing short of a miracle. I wouldn’t believe it if I hadn’t experienced it myself. Before the treatment, I was unable to fully extend my knee or stand up straight. Immediately following the treatments I was able to fully extend my knee and stand up fully, without pain. That was several weeks ago, and I am still pain free today. If you are experiencing chronic pain - I suggest you see Dr Bell a.s.a.p.
— Frank Rockwood
Dr. Bell is amazing. After my Ozone Injections my shoulder has never felt so good. I am excited for a treatment on my neck this week. Thank you!!
— Terry Rowley
As I am getting older I just thought back pain was something you just learned to live with. My mother had it and so did my grandfather so I resigned myself to the fact that I too will just have to “live with it.” After getting ozone injections by Dr Bell my whole mindset and body has taken a different turn. Not only can I work without pain (my job is sitting in front of a computer all day) but able to walk and hike again without discomfort.
My husband was diagnosed with spondylosis in his neck and part of his face and neck was going numb. Through Dr Bell’s chiropractic work, stretches and acupuncture my husband has not experienced any numbness and his range of motion has improved. Thank you Dr. Bell
— Wendy Elder

To become pain free and start enjoying life, call us at
